
Sound Engineer

Hard Knocks

New Orleans, La

Joined on 4/24/05

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Looking pretty snazzy. ^_-

Thank you!

The album itself will be experimental in nature, and with it I'm really trying to focus on the nuances of time perceived through music; how incredibly ones perception of time can be manipulated with such.

It'll consists of things I usually perform for friends while tripping to Electric Sheep. Because of this; one of the issues I'm having is how to actually arrange it for recording. Usually it's just me playing a particular chord progression solo and flipping to an off-beat lead part at an irregular interval for greater emotional effect. I'm finding that there's so much more to be done when recording and arranging multiple parts and movements simultaneously.

Any idea when it's coming out? I'd like to tune in to this stuff every now and then, and see.

On my part, I like to imagine a debut album, but I think it'll only come out when the time is right.

I'm not entirely sure when I'll release the bulk of it yet. As of right now, I only have the introduction song completed and I'm even considering re-mastering it by sampling each part instead of recording the entire rhythm track or the entire lead track in one go etc.

I'll be releasing the second track this weekend, and the title track in two or three weeks if all pans out well. The release for the rest of the album is TBA.

Another hurdle; the three tracks being released separately from the rest will have accompanying videos, and I'm going to need to record the clips for those before I start work on the rest of the album.

Originally I had only planned on a single song; but while recording, I found that there was a lot of stuff I wanted to put into the song, that either didn't fit well, or was just too much all things considered. So I decided then to go with a full album. The way I see it; an album is like a play, each song is like an act, and each verse or motif is like an individual scene.