We are born... born stupid, but still born happy.
As we age, our bodies, at first, get stronger, get bigger, and then
As we age on... our bodies grow old, brittle, weak, and even smaller.
We live a good life, for the most part.
Even if it was a hard, easy, or just plain ordinary,
You lived a good life on this earth.
However, you do get old, and life, which seemed to speed up with the passage of time,
Slows to a slow, miserable crawl.
You grow ill often, and you get incredibly week.
and then, you diE.
nobody knows what awaits you after you expirE.
whether nothing happens, or whether you move on to another worlD...
Nobody knowS.
What we do know, is that it doesn't matter what anyone says, or does... we will all eventually die. But it won't be our body breaking down, for as long as we have the will to live, we can go on. Though, in our greatest time of weakness... we forfeit our will to live. And for forfeiting that will... we pay the greatest Punishment we could have imagined. Our body's, will's, and soul's omega.
We may be reborn, though we may just be expired. Our bodies left to decay, and our soul... our soul just vanishes into the vast emptiness that is nothing. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?
I am a man who is destined to be alone. It is my destiny to be alone, therefore it is my will's desire to be alone. The tie between destiny and free will. Destiny is what the will is willed by itself to do. I destine, or will to lead a simple, yet happy life... though, no matter what I decide... my life will always be happy. There is no such thing as a bad life. Life is a worthwhile thing... it is a delicate fabric that is a cosmic anomaly. Though, whether there are other beings, intelligent or not, is not for me to decide.
You lead your life thinking what you want, you lead your life doing what you want, you will yourself to live, eat, breath, hell, you even will yourself to die... but if your will is your destiny, then doesn't that mean that your will is predetermined?
I ramble when it's late at night, I'm still awake... and I have not posted in a while. I will my apology to you.
I'm learning from your wisdom