
15 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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My ear pussies are ringing

2dg3 responds:


Get it going. I've never really mixed this genre, but it sounds good. Vocals might need a tad more presence, but sounds good!

TSRBand responds:

Thanks for listening :) will definitely keep working at it!

Edit: Have adjusted the vox slightly based on your tips and updated the file, thanks again!


SoulSecure responds:

It's a true story. Them groundhogs done e't my all cucumbers and habaneros. Saw a rabbit eatin' 'em too, but rabbits are less annoyin' since they're cute and don't dig massive holes under your barn.

They left my mountain tomatoes alone, though. Those were goooood tomatoes.


As maddboss stated, It's been a long time since I wrote a review for your music. I've been rather caught up in other things myself to pay much attention to Newgrounds. I've actually been paying more attention to 4chan than Newgrounds, which scares me to death.

As madboss said, I was also expecting a piano piece. I know you may feel more at home on a guitar, however, you definitely "feel" more like a piano composer. Don't think that ended up being what I wanted to say, but I am personally more a fan of your piano works.

As always, however, another great piece by you, I hope to see more in the future. Keep it up, I want to hear more.


Turning-Japanese responds:

Good feedback - composing for the piano does afford me a bit more freedom, and I enjoy it just as much.

I can't promise more anytime soon, but I never stop tooling around with fruity loops, so there's always another song. Thanks, as always, for caring enough to give it all a listen. I always appreciate the discourse.


Hope you didn't forget me!

Anyway, It's a good piece, Though it seems to have a bit of a different style than your usual works. Good piece, keep upi the good work, and I hope to hear more of you in the future!


Turning-Japanese responds:

I couldn't forget my close supporter! Glad you liked the piece, and I hope you're enjoying 2009.
Yeah, this bit was put together by bits and scraps of various sounds I had lying about. It's nothing special, but definitely a different, echo-y kind of sound.

Not Bad

I definitely liked how you made the lead stand out more from the first version you made. I also don't know if this is just me, but did you add another sound in it...?


Turning-Japanese responds:

Several! They're rather subtle though. Thanks for comparing!

Woah... a month :s

It's been a while man! You ought to find some free time to upload more music! I love almost all of your music, and I love your style. As always, a great piece. You do, however, lose two stars on originality, since you didn't write this piece.

Nice work, I hope you can do more over the summer?

Turning-Japanese responds:

I suppose I can't really blame you there - and yes, I'll definitely try to get inspired again over the summer, when I have time to spare. It's always good talking and exchanging music with you Mason - take care!

EDIT: I ... didn't mean for that whole thing to rhyme. BEWARE.

If it ever gets big...

It'll be put on a shitty DS game. I find alot of good music goes on Shitty Games.

Good job, keep it up...

(Can't wait for easter... There are too few songs for it anyway...)

itsameyayo responds:

Lol, I'll write some epic Easter thing, but we'll see, I'm so overbooked now, lol.

-Thanks, I will keep it up :)



It was ok... I wouldn't say it was one of your best however. Then again, I'm not a big fan of pop in general.

It seemed kind of lacking in it's sound... I can't place a finger on it though, just one of those feelings. It proberally could have used another base line.
I do like how you made this song sound like it belonged on a video game... from the early 90's or late 80's. Dreamcast maybe? Who knows...

Turning-Japanese responds:

Really? Your opinion seems to be of the consensus - I'm suprised people don't enjoy this one as much as I do. It's one of my favorites, structure-wise.
Oh well, all in good fun. And yes, I was toatally going for a video game-y feel here. Thanks very much for the feedback!

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Hard Knocks

New Orleans, La

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